
Sunday, February 1, 2015

Introductions and Warnings

Sounds a little bit like a threat I know, but it will all be okay.  We want to welcome you to the Traveling Historians.  We are glad you made it through the internet to find us.  We know how scary it can be.  We googled things better left unknown (see the About Us page).  

So we wanted to introduce ourselves to you and let you know a little bit about this site and what we want to do with it.  

We are both trained historians and both love history and traveling.  While graduate school doesn't allow for enough travel or free time we try to go anyways.  

Amanda (thats me in this pretty color font) is trained in Early U.S. History and the Middle East, with some British History thrown in.  I know it seems like they have nothing in common, but I promise you there is a lot of info.  I am a frequent traveller to the U.S. Capital and to locations in early America like Williamsburg and Jamestown.  Though the plan is to be going to Ireland soon. 

Doris (queen of Hello Kitty) is trained in Criminology and Early 20th century U.S. and South American History.  She is interested in Drugs (academically), smuggling (academically and practical applications) and Hello Kitty.  Doris travels to South America, specifically to Colombia.  Though she has been to Europe and Fiji.

Look for our posts about travel and the history related to places and people.  If you want to know more about a person or place, TELL US.  We might have been or are planning a trip already.  We are here to share history and travel with you all.